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Highlights from Singapore & Sydney

Karen E. Osborne

"Choose Graciousness." This was a road sign we zipped past during our taxi ride from the Singapore airport to the hotel.

It foreshadowed every encounter of our week-long stay. Kindness and civility are hallmarks of this beautiful, spotless city/state. A combination of work, vacation, and book launch trip, we did a bit of everything and loved every minute!

A great session at the CASE Asia Pacific Advancement Conference 2017!

Singapore Hindu Temple. No shoes allowed.

Sydney, Australia has a very different vibe. From its iconic Opera House to ferries zinging across the waterways, we had a wonderful book launch and vacation. It's a sophisticated city, culturally rich, warm, and beautiful.

Two of the talented women I write with, Dorin Hart and Willa Hogarth, helped us launch the book in the cafe on top of the Contemporary Museum of Art.

We saw an exhibit of Aboriginal art as well.

Martin Tjampitjinpa - Untitled 2007

All in all an "epic" trip as our oldest grandson, J.P., would say.

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